This tradition is connected with much older pre-Christian rite. All people celebrate Easter as the beginning of spring, too. Many people visit their friends and relatives and exchange Easter eggs. Įaster Sunday is a day of singing and eating. Once the ceremony is over, every family goes home for breakfast, to partake of the blessed food. The proper response is “Voyistino voskres,” (Indeed he is risen). In the morning after the end of the ceremony, everyone greet each other with the words “Khrystos voskres!” (Christ is risen!). The priest in the church consecrates all the food: many people believe that Easter eggs possesses magic power and can protect from evil, thunder or fire and have healing powers. Some people prefer to bake Easter cakes themselves and others buy paskhas at bakery. Usually they bring with them Easter eggs, salt, Easter cakes, butter, cheese and ham. On that day the religious people go to church and listen to the ceremony. The name of the dish comes from “Pascha“, the eastern orthodox celebration of Easter. Paskha is a traditional dessert served in Russia as well as other Eastern European countries. Easter eggs and Easter cakes (or paskhas ) are the traditional symbols of the religious holiday. Usually this holiday is celebrated on one of Sundays in spring. Easter is the day when Jesus Christ resurrected. Easter is one of the most important holidays of the year.